Elements of the Zodiac

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)

These are the intellectuals of the zodiac that can think so long and so hard that they just get lost in their daydreams. They are problem solvers and good communicators, but when things do not go their way they can turn as cold as ice. An air sign is always a social butterfly and enjoys change which means this sign can easily grow bored. 

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

Just like a fireball, fire signs go through life with energy and enthusiasm. They bestow a love for the extreme and even extravagant. Their spontaneity can sometimes lead to outrageous behavior that can get them into trouble. They usually know what they want and how to get it.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces)

Water signs are emotional, moody and nurturing. They make decisions based on feeling rather than logic. They are artistic and sensitive to their environment, making them good at understanding the needs of others. Their selfless concern builds passion for just causes.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

Earth signs usually have both feet planted firmly on the ground. They are practical and logical and do not enjoy taking risks. You can depend on this type of person as they will never let you down. They can be quite materialistic at times which can result in driving themselves too hard to bring up their comfort level.

A more in depth analysis of the Elements:

Air Signs

The Air Elements are an intellectual souls. They are the natural Communicators.They also have a thought process unlike their fellow elements. Air signs are deep thinkers with much information to access, and yet they strive to learn as much as possible. Whether in relationships or work, Air is quite satisfied at being alone, as their mental gifts are enough to keep them happy. Air is naturally light, wispy, and fresh. It whisks along our feet, and flies in all directions. Air can be forced and strict, windy and scattered - as well as calm and inviting. Air signs are true believer that power is knowledge - and that knowledge is power. Just take a look at their practically see-though skin, the bold forehead, and thin, fly away hair. Mercury (Gemini), Uranus (Aquarius), and Libra are your Air God and Air Goddess. As the element of air - The Air signs are the gentle breeze that you enjoy, whether you are outside in the hot sun, or standing in front of the window on a rainy day. Air is cool, crisp, and always a welcomed breath of fresh air. When all else fails, its steady coolness, along with wit and mental capacity can take you on thinking deeper levels than you had ever imagined.

Air is the wind that knocks at your door of opportunity, and it forces the window of your soul to open. Air is unexpected answers, logical thinking, as well as circulation and movement. Like the Fire Gods, Air is also in need of change and variety - in fear of becoming old and out of date - as no one likes Air that has become stale and musty. The purpose of the Air God and Air Goddess is to use their powerful mind to open up doors and open communication - for themselves, and for you. Air Signs are the strong clouds, resembling the information that is in need to be constantly circulating, and can make them appear nervous, irritable, or scattered. Air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, always have something on their mind... and sometimes it's powerful data or simply useless information. Air elements are a walking set of encyclopedias. Air has a need to reach for the sky, to sweep along the mountainside, to skim deep dark waters, and to breathe life into fire. The mind of the Air God and Air Goddess must be allowed to travel wherever their mind takes them. Air is smart, clever, and reasoning. Like the strong winds in the sky, air is to be utilized, enjoyed - but respected. Air needs to be appreciated for their knowledge and their thoughts. Like the gentle breeze, Air can be soft, playful, and stimulating. Air and their collection of views and smart thoughts are available if you need it, and all you have to do is ask. Air is a communicator and needs communication from others.

You can not assume that Air always knows.... as they need you to communicate and express yourself, or else they become judging and opinionated of your communication skills. Air can then become cold and biting and think less of you - if you can not keep up with their way of thinking. If you misuse what your Air Gods offer in forms of information, or should you not value what they have provided in forms of their crisp details, Air become stronger and louder like the howling wind... forcefully smothering you with their own overpowering opinions and ideas, dominating and ruling out everyone else's say. Naturally, Air does not always recognize their force, and they can continue to force their way in.... until one physically has to close the door... to get out of all that wind! When Air gets angry, they build levels of extreme pressure on your barometer of patience, as they demand attention by powerfully exhaling a thunderous roar and eerie howl. The Air Gods do not allow you to ignore them, and they will continue to blow wind, blow thoughts, and blow opinions until Air tires from releasing all the excess information and pressure buzzing in their heads..... literally thinking, while talking out loud, nonstop..... and that is when Air can finally be calm again.

Fire Signs

The Fire God and Fire Goddess within the fiery elements is an adventurous soul. Fire is passion, and the natural Spirit. It is Intention. Fire is the warrior, who fights and protects what they believes in. Fire signs believe in passion, excitement, laughter, change, and life. Fire signs are the hot flames that dance and tease your senses when staring into a blazing bonfire. It is also the flickering flame on a lit candle, and the gentle light that burns the incense to sweeten the air. Fire is beautiful, fierce, and ever-changing. Fire signs have a goal, and it is to burn, shine, and to look good while doing it! Fire and the Fire signs are naturally stunning, attention-grabbing, and aggressive. They are bold, playful, warm, and light up a dull room. You can see their light in their huge smile and sparkling eyes, as their inviting warm personality compliments them. Fire is playful, adventurous, playful, creative, tempting, and curious. Fire is also dangerous and flammable.

Many will see the hair of a Fire God or Goddess stand out - as it is usually a little wild and untamed - resembling its element of flickering flames! Mars (Aries), Sun (Leo) and Jupiter (Sagittarius) are Fire Gods and Goddesses. Whether in work or at play... the Fire signs are always on fire, meaning that they live a busy and active life. Their ego is fuel. Fire signs always bring their Spirit, fire and light into their life - and into yours. Fire rules the heart, where passion ignites. They need to "express" or "exhaust" the fire that ranges from rage to inspiration. When their flames roar, they can be quite loud, obnoxious, and egotistical. The Fire signs and their fire is warm, mystical, hypnotizing, giving, beautiful, fun, and passionate. Should Fire be pressured or forced out of their element, fire will quickly become stressed, over-heated, flammable, overbearing, dangerous, aggressive, and angry. But as a balanced element, their intention is always good and meaningful, as they live the life of a warrior and a survivor... who helps and protects others. Trying to control a Fire God or Goddess - can be like trying to tame an out-of-control burning forest, as they are determined to play out their fiery, passionate life. They are the raging forest fire... wild, untamed, and unable to be controlled. They are consuming and rebellious. If you think you will be able to tame those burning flames, Fire will either warm and spark with flattery, or it will devour everything it touches.

Fire is meant to be admired or looked at... not touched. Fire is popular, and always has a crowd. It also commands plenty of space and respect. You need to earn permission to get to REALLY know Fire signs, because their usually too busy with life, spreading their infectious fire - and not wasting much time getting deep and emotional. Life is just too big and exciting... and life is meant to be enjoyed. The Fire God and Goddess do not go to bed early - as they are afraid that they will miss something exciting.

Water Signs

The Water elements are extremely sensitive souls. They are natural Healers. The Water God and Water Goddess are intuitive and vulnerable to what they feel inside themselves - and their surroundings. They feel and experience dreams, compassion, love, joy, sadness, fear, and all known emotional energy. The Water element is the calm sea that brings us a sense of serenity and peace.. and like the sea, it is beautiful, yet fierce, as well as ever-changing. Water has a goal, and it is to feel, to touch, and to experience. Just looking at them, you too, will learn to experience and understand how connected they are to all of life's fluid, and its fullness by acknowledging their soft, fleshy skin, their full, spongy lips, and their large watery eyes. Neptune (Pisces), Pluto (Scorpio) and the Moon (Cancer) are the Water God and Water Goddess. Whether in work or play... the Water element is always in touch with themselves and those who surround them, as they live a busy and giving life.

Water signs always bring their water and their emotions into their surroundings, and into yours. Unless there is a fine balance - they either are known for exposing their sensitivity, or burying what they feel. Water rules sensitivity and emotions, and its elements find it necessary to "touch" or "feel" what is going on around them. This can be both physical or emotional. Too much fluid or feelings can make some water signs appear to be moody, needy, or controlling. Water is naturally a deep and cool element, and it is also tasty, moist, soothing, intriguing and beautiful. Too much water or emotions can be forceful, stormy, tormented, overwhelming, and dangerous. But on a balanced energy - their intention is always good and meaningful, as they are care-givers.

Trying to control a Water God or Water Goddess - can be like trying to control the forceful ocean while sitting in a rowboat. Water is strong and focused on what others do and how it makes them feel. Calming those tidal waves and raw emotions does not happen instantly or easily. It takes a lot of time until Water is able to control their own fury. Like the sea, the Water God and Goddess are serene and gentle but, under pressure, they represent the Perfect Storm, consuming and destructive. Should you hurt them or their feelings, they will become revengeful, vowing to wipe out anyone or anything that stands in their path. Like the captain of his ship, the captain doesn't try to test or challenge the strength of the waters, but accept that it is easier to go down with the ship - rather than to fight. He understands and appreciates the overwhelming depth and it's dangerous force. 

Water is to be enjoyed - but also respected. Water God and Water Goddess need love, and you need to really communicate and express that if you REALLY want to know them. Like the seas, they are deep, mysterious, and always pressured by some sort of outside influence. They are constantly changing their unsteady moods, and their rough seas always seem to be brewing something deep inside of them... which eventually rises to the top. Changing WITH their bouncy emotions, will make the rough waters a little easier to deal with until the storm ends. They offer unconditional love and understanding, but if you don't appreciate what they offer - their waters will dry up, as they turn off the their faucet.... to walk away and replenish what they feel you have taken advantage of them.

Earth Signs

The Earth elements are practical and realistic souls.They are the natural Providers with a skill for building foundation. The Earth signs are strong and determined to succeed in their goals. Earth works hard, steady, and is always working to reinforce and build... in both their personal and professional lives. Earth signs work hard for themselves and for those that love - to bring security, stability, and good reputation. Earth has a goal, and it is to work, build, provide, and eventually own. Like our grand mountains, Earth provides us with its stable land with rocks and trees to build our homes and cities. It provides us with rich soil to grow fruits and vegetables to feed us. Earth is solid, raw, breathtaking, secure, and plentiful. It supports and provides us with many gifts. The appearance of Earth signs is both earthy and strong. Take a look at their strong bone structure, and their dark hair and eyes that resemble their very own soil. Saturn (Capricorn), Venus (Taurus), and Virgo are the Earth Gods and Earth Goddesses. Whether in work or play... the Earth signs are always focused and dedicated. They work hard for themselves and for others. Earth signs always bring their earthy gifts into our lives.

They have natural business and organization skills, with interest in profit, investments, property, reputation, and power. Earth provides us with our "wants" and "desires" and its element works hard to provide it, but it works to own, which can make some appear greedy, self-centered, or unethical. Earth is naturally dark and cold - while Fire supplies its heat inside with hot lava in the center, and sunshine on the outside. With Fire, the Earth can then grow and provide for us. Earth is fertile, resourceful, supportive, logical, and beautiful. When Earth loses it's warmth, it becomes conquering, dominating, trembling, unstable, corrupt, and revengeful. As a balanced element, their intention is always good and meaningful. 

Trying to control an Earth God or Earth Goddess - can be like trying to stop an earthquake from happening. Earth is very focused on what it does and what it will accomplish with all the hard work.... whether it is in the process of a new construction in life - or destroying everything around them.... to simply rebuild. Disrupt Earth and its precious resources - and the Earth shakes and sways. When Earth's world shakes, you can be guaranteed that your world will also shake. The Earth signs always have a goal and a purpose - and nothing is going to stop them from reaching it.