Star Sign Compatibility

Basically, the compatibility of each sign is determined by their element. So, all the fire signs are compatible with each other, all the water signs are compatible with each other and so on.

Earth: ^Virgo > *Capricorn > #Taurus
Water: ^Pisces > *Cancer > #Scorpio

Fire: ^Sagittarius > *Aries > #Leo
Air: ^Gemini > *Libra > #

Key: ^mutable    *cardinal     #fixed

In addition, Earth signs are further compatible with Water signs and Fire signs are further compatible with Air signs, however, their opposite signs are the only signs that are not compatible within these groups. In the above diagram, the  signs above or underneath each other are opposites, and are therefore, the least compatible. It is also evident that opposite signs are the ones with the same quality; mutable, cardinal or fixed. From these patterns, we can determine the best relationships for each sign.

For example, we can see that Virgo is most compatible with Capricorn and Taurus, further compatible with Cancer and Scorpio, not so compatible with the Fire and Air Signs, and least compatible with its opposite sign, Pisces.

Click on your Star Sign for heaps more information on what signs are compatible with yours and what signs aren't...
Capricorn compatibility
Aquarius compatibility
Pisces compatibility
Aries compatibility
Taurus compatibility
Gemini compatibility
Cancer compatibility
Leo compatibility
Virgo compatibility
Libra compatibility
Scorpio compatibility
Ophiuchus compatibility

Note: Information on compatibility for Ophiuchus has not been determined yet, and therefore, can not be included. It might act as a guide to use the compatibility traits of both Scorpio and Sagittarius.