Scorpio Compatibility

Scorpio with Capricorn  
All of Scorpio's powerful passions find a welcome here. Scorpio's volatile emotions tend to open up brooding, inner-directed Capricorn, and the zesty goings-on add savor to a warm emotional relationship. Capricorn even likes Scorpio's jealousy - for that makes Capricorn feel secure. These two share a sense of purpose: they are ambitious, determined, and serious about responsibility - and as a team have good auguries for financial success. They should have clear sailing.

Scorpio with Aquarius
Scorpio makes heavy emotional demands but to Aquarius even a love affair is simply another way to broaden its horizons. Scorpio can't tolerate Aquarius's independence within a relationship or understand Aquarius's casual air toward love. Aquarius is altogether too impersonal and has too many outside interests to suit possessive, jealous Scorpio. Scorpio will try to dominate and will be upset by Aquarius's unpredictable moods and love for freedom. Scorpio want to stay at home; Aquarius wants to be free to go. And so on - to the finish.

Scorpio with Pisces
Scorpio's strength is a perfect compliment for Pisces's indecisiveness. In turn, Pisces's imagination sparks Scorpio's creativity. Pisces is able to give Scorpio the devotion and admiration it craves, and their mutual fascination with lovemaking provides a fine romantic aura. Pisces's flair for the bizarre adds spice to Scorpio's desires and the intense emotional needs of both signs neatly complement each other. Pisces's intuitive awareness and Scorpio's depth of feeling unite in a special closeness. This kind of mating lasts.

Scorpio with Aries
Love can erupt into a bonfire between Aries and Scorpio. They're both physical, energetic, and passionate. Sexually, everything should be fine-it's the emotional side of the relationship they can't handle. Each has a forceful personality and wants to control the other. In the end, Scorpio's jealousy may prove the undoing. Aries's many outside interests make Scorpio feel insecure and that brings out Scorpio's tyrannical streak. Aries won't take orders and Scorpio will never take a back seat. This is an unstable partnership with a low ignition point.

Scorpio with Taurus
Taurus and Scorpio are opposites in the zodiac, but they have more in common than other opposites. Both are determined and ambitious, and neither is much of a rover. However, there are two strong wills at work here. Taurus's passionate sexual nature meets more than its match in Scorpio-in fact, the sexual element in this affair borders on the obsessive. But Scorpio's overbearing, possessive, jealous nature makes Taurus simmer with resentment. This is a tempestuous affair, and neither has the tolerance to make the union last.

Scorpio with Gemini
Gemini's imagination and Scorpio's enthusiasm would make a good combination if only these two were able to get along together. There is combustion in the bedroom, but they soon find out that sex isn't everything. Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous, inflexible. Gemini is fickle, flighty, superficial, lighthearted, changeable. Gemini is a social creature, Scorpio likes privacy. Scorpio's suspicious nature is in constant turmoil over Gemini's casual attitude about love. It won't be long before enough becomes too much.

Scorpio with Cancer
Cancer admires Scorpio's strength while Scorpio finds a haven in Cancer's emotional commitment. Cancer's sensuality is ignited by Scorpio's dynamic passions, and because Cancer is loyal, Scorpio's jealousy isn't provoked. Cancer's possessiveness will actually make Scorpio feel secure. Both are extremely intuitive and sense what will please the other. Together they can build a happy cocoon where they feel safe and loved. This relationship has great intimacy, intensity, and depth. Things just get better all the time.

Scorpio with Leo
Leo and Scorpio tend to have a immediate sexual fascination with each other. But Leo finds it hard to cope with Scorpio's jealousy and possessiveness. Intense, smoldering Scorpio is on a too short fuse, while Leo is much more buoyant. Leo thinks Scorpio difficult and temperamental; Scorpio considers Leo pretentious and a show-off. Scorpio doesn't understand Leo's need to be continually surrounded by an admiring audience. Scorpio would rather dominate than admire, and that doesn't suit Leo's kingly state.

Scorpio with Virgo
Sensual Scorpio keeps trying to entice Virgo into ever bolder adventures. Virgo is pleased with Scorpio because they are possessive and fiercely loyal, which makes them feel loved and protected. They also admire each other's minds. Virgo is logical, intellectual, analytical. Scorpio is imaginative, visionary, perceptive. Each sometimes has trouble expressing real feelings: Scorpio is volatile but secretive; Virgo is self-restrained and reserved. There may be some conflict about who runs things, but Virgo's willingness to compromise keeps Scorpio tractable.

Scorpio with Libra
At first, Scorpio's intensity in love flatters Libra, who is always looking for any new form of attention. But Scorpio is also touchy, moody, and quick to lash out in anger, which is just the kind of person Libra cannot bear. Possessive Scorpio tries to control a lover, but Libra has a need for diversion and won't stay in Scorpio's net. Libra's flirtatiousness and casual attitude toward sex infuriates sensual Scorpio. As Scorpio seethes and becomes steadily more jealous and demanding, Libra has either to submit-or to leave.

Scorpio with Scorpio
Plenty of sexual attraction between two Scorpios, but the emotional temperature can't keep rising forever. These two people who are so much alike understand each other very little. They are highly jealous and demanding. They are so intense that every little storm quickly becomes a hurricane. Both are sulky, brooding and possessive. Both are in a continual struggle to force the other to relinquish control. Something has got to give- and when it does its likely to spell The End.

Scorpio with Sagittarius 
Scorpio is tantalized by Sagittarius's free-wheeling, uninhibited style. Scorpio will dominate but can't keep restless, flighty Sagittarius submissive for long. Sagittarius thinks the accent should be on fun and new adventure; Scorpio wants security and constant loving Sagittarius is open talkative, casual about relationship; Scorpio is reticent, secretive and very jealous in love. Scorpio wants Sagittarius at home, Sagittarius want to roam. An affair without a future.